what is deference between ActivatedRoute and Router in angular projects

3/28/2025 MVC

 to day that i start create an app for some client for product details i use ROutes and for pordust details that will show details of product ActivatedRoute  i want to descrive deference between them as i know 



  • ActivatedRoute is used to access information about the current route, such as route parameters, query parameters, and static or resolved data tied to the route.

  • It provides information about the currently activated route, i.e., the route that is being viewed at the moment.

  • It helps you extract parameters, such as id or name, from the URL or from route data.


  • It is used primarily in route components to get the details of the route you're currently on.


  • The Router is responsible for navigating between different routes in the application.

  • It helps you programmatically navigate to a new route by providing methods like navigate().

  • The Router is not concerned with the data of the current route; it's more focused on navigating to different views.

  • When to Use Each:

    • Use ActivatedRoute when you need to access details about the current route (e.g., parameters in the URL or data tied to the route).

    • Use Router when you need to navigate to a different route or change the route programmatically.